Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A few bikes = lots of cardio

Hey peeps! O hope all Ye Olde Fans are still with me. I'm getting pretty stingy with my blog posts arn't I. So why don't I start with the latest stuff and work my way back. Sound good? If not I don't care I am talking.

  Alright, well lately I've been researching this new artist named Cher Lloyd. We'll see if she's another Miley Cirus or Carly Rae. She sings the genre called Persian. Never heard of it before. It's like how Owl City sings Electrica and I've never heard of that either. So we'll see.

  Anyway! We've been doing some biking today (major cardio this day) and I dunno how many miles we went but my legs will be doing no sit ups. But we biked a very long way up hill and dale. Whatever a dale may be, we biked it. And ever since we got back mom gave us these sesemi snack thingys that taste like candy and are great but once you have 15 or them then they start to taste like... dry dust. Pleeeffffff *spits sesemi seeds across room* 

  (Tana says: "I say hi!") 

  Well a while back we had some cousins over and I never really posted about that. Well when all the younger generation of cousins are together then there insues a pecking order. First comes Parker then Clay then Bri#*(&$*&# and then me. I am just the butt of all the jokes made. This is really lame because even if I am right about something then I am still wrong because they can find a way to make what I said sound stupid. Or if everyone agrees that I am wrong, majority wins. So I have concluded that too many relatives on that side makes them all potheads. The adults are okay though. Uncle Eds kids are pretty interesting once they've had a few dixie cups of wine and a couple of dried mangos. 

  So once they left we got back to school but it was only a few days until the Hicks came. And that was all a lot of fun! I think I made Eric, Ian and Devin laugh so hard they almost died or regurgitated or something but they nearly passed out. It was funny just to watch them laugh! 
  While they were here they were looking for sea glass all over the beaches and I tell you this truly. Eric found 93 (or 97 I don't remember) peices in between 2 and 4 hours. It was pretty outrageous. But I've been keeping my eye out and there is a lot of that stuff around here! 
  So after they left it kinda went back to normal. Just the standard irrational dad and same old routine but I like it. We'll see if I can actually get a job this year.


  1. I was wondering if you had given up! Anyway, I'm a tiny bit surprised that you're at the bottom of the pecking order, but I suppose it must be because you are so kind that you don't fight for it :)
    AND HURRY UP AND GET A JOB! Just kidding. Take your time and find one you enjoy but don't wait till you're 35. (And I can tease you about this because I'm much younger than you.)

  2. If you aren't going to write more you could make a new Vlog video.


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