Saturday, February 4, 2012

And the tears start flowing

Well 'The Move' is getting closer and closer. Its hard for all of us. Even our friends. It won't be happy to move. It will be sad. But it will make the moments we spend with those we love even greater.

  Well about today. Today I went to the Hicks! =D Mr. Hicks helped me with my resume! It was good help. Though he got quite irritated with the key bored and mouse on my laptop. After a while he straightened it out. Mine is a total of 2 pages! Whoohoo! Yay! :) Well its gonna be so so so SAD leaving my Savannah! I am gonna miss her oh so much :(

  We are having a karate tournament in Moscow soon! Moscow ID not Moscow Russia. I hope I do better then I did at camp. I didn't even place! I think we'll all do good. And I find out that we WILL be staying at the Nazarene Church (as they offered to all the karate kids who came for the tournament) Friday night. Things will be fun!


  1. When are you moving? I will miss you even if I only met you thrice.

  2. Good luck at the tournament! Make sure you win for Athol! :)

  3. Yeah.... be an Athol winner. Doesn't it have a certain ring to it? ;)

    Hey, I know it's hard to move. It's always been sad for me every time. I've moved once to get married, and then five times since. Roots are beautiful things and it hurts when they get torn up. But it helps when it come to trying out your wings. =) And good friends are in the heart and can stay with you in spirit. Also, there's the phone, email, chat, text, letters, morse code, watching the same star and howling at the moon, so I'm sure you'll be okay. =) So glad you are blogging!


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