Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It is IN!

I just got a call from the library while we were having lunch. Inheritance book 4 is IN! The Librarian made a special point of calling me! How nice they are! I am totally THRILLED. After all it came in on the 8th of November.
  I am afraid that dad (who has been waiting for it also) has much less of an opinion of the Hayden Library now. There is this one guy in particular who he calls "Ponytail" due to his long gray hair bound in the style of his name sake. He thinks they are just a bunch of hippies.  I don't know about that. I thought hippies were all for that "Peace out blah blah blah" thing. Oh well. I am just glad that book is in!
  They had some deception, the Athol Library did. So I had the first hold on this item. They look at it yesterday and I got bumped down! So! Those good ole' librarians just click click and I am back at the top again! =) I love this City. All the good people in it are so... Good!


  1. LOL! I'll never look at the Hayden Library again without giggling at the thought of hippies. Thanks a lot. ;)

  2. Hey now! What's so funny about Hippies? Didn't Dad marry one? And didn't they start the homeschooling movement? Yes, some did drugs, but they weren't first on that one. Out here in NM, a lot of people wear ponytails because of the native american culture.

    Fun that you have a blog now! I'll be sure to check in every day and see what you've been up to. =)

    Spread the wisdom, Bro.

  3. LOL I am glad you got the book I still have to wait for 6 people to read it before i get it. I made a goal to read the three other book before inheritance comes in.

  4. To Melita's comment: Are you saying mom was/is a hippie? I haven't noticed her saying "peace out" all the time. ;) They may have and I have nothing against them.
    To Katja's comment: I am already at page one hundred and fifty something. :D Its good!

  5. Hippie moms are awesome! (Says mom)

  6. LOL I am not that fast of of a reader, well except for the time a read a 500 page book in two days. But still;)


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